Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Improvisation and translation, I invite you to read it in Castilian.


The wind is my big foam mattress, I'm a bird in the air, flyingto perfection, being an ordinary man, without money or goldor anything, without engine and wings, as God brought me to the world, but with some clothing, the sun has eaten my skinand lips, which are now made to suffer in the face, with manycracks in the mountains, this time to navigate the space without fear drop.
But since we're talking about fear, now I have fear of falling off a ladder and my life ends on the floor, dying, with his mouthopen spilling blood.
There is a very special dream tonight where my voice changes the world, with this great message of peace that comes from my speaking voice rains, such a fact that has never happened before, but this day I am very inspired and the words come to conquer the universe which Frank Sinatra, and in addition tofourteen above the ground.

Texto agregado el 03-05-2011, y leído por 98 visitantes. (1 voto)

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03-05-2011 Si el viento es tu colchón de espuma, que no te sorprenda la tormenta, puedes caerte. azucenami
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