Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Decadent atmosphere.


Do they want to do a low cap, with a vulgar energy, emprendimiento fierce, sinister moral, for your fault to be immersed in a decadent culture? Is it this what they want for the people, that the people die of sadness, of the misfortune to do a food for the creatures that God created with total love and dedication? And to think that once I applauded his ideas, at the time hereby I suffer very much pain and do not win for fright they want to alter the normal functioning of the costumbre, it is what they claim?
Undoubtedly you and his accomplices want to do a mess from the power that the circumstances drinks to him, maybe an enormous extension of the dream of lost parasite, besides the desire to win and to handle the power and the space and the disgusting arrogance.
But really we are alarmed, that many admirers also have made this idea own; a worship of the aberrant practices, it is enough, do not strike the aim with an intellectual level that does not exist.
You and the company that he undertakes are malevolent, with that desire to create an atmosphere of defective character. The devil sent you to perpetuate the history of his own advantage.

Texto agregado el 04-05-2011, y leído por 104 visitantes. (0 votos)

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