Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Seller of illusions.


I speak aloud to your tender ear words that only the sky is seen emerging from a singular thought, but dedicated to all that will make you rejuvenate and blush. And if by chance, acquired this fine product that will assure them as coming from a little, to see, in the vital channels of overall health, so to speak, and space dedicated to the beauty of being, they augur huge results than positive.
Moreover, as I said, I have to offer this amazing brew, but you can also quietly drink to quench thirst.
It's a bargain price compared to other essential items, only five coins, which today are nothing more than old buttons, soles seen from the place of the creator, medallions red cornmeal.

Seller of illusions.

Texto agregado el 05-05-2011, y leído por 191 visitantes. (1 voto)

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05-05-2011 ... susana-del-rosal
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