Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Thriller night.


Famed imperialism has existed for a long time, however, leftist ideas is booming. From my point of view, the ideology of the left is kind of humanist, while Western imperialism is alive representacón the perfect values;. Regardless of the outcome of education entailing a migraine. Brand as experience hence the position of world policeman.
Mension the example of Libya, which is not allowed to repression large number of dead in the streets, because of widespread protest, the Revelion of people requesting the immediate delivery of power by the dictator.
And imperialism operating in different parts of the world for different reasons.
Just as it is shaped the political map of the world, what is important to be considerate: the existence of the strongest, but which has popular support, and who is suffering from the early centuries.
Thriller night.

Texto agregado el 05-05-2011, y leído por 203 visitantes. (1 voto)

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05-05-2011 ... susana-del-rosal
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