Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Social insecurity.


I am a businessman, am in the bank as a penguin, throw furtively the chewing gum to the floor that shines, garment in white shirt, the white chest of sedates.
But I am going to the bank to deposit some money, when suddenly someone tries to take my portfolio to him, begin desperate fight, but he attacking desire, as consequence removing my capital.
Now sitting on the stairs of marble of the establishment I observe my life as a blast.
For the anger I am with injected eyes of blood, someone on a water crystal.
To the instant I forget the happened, join, only I iron the patient and resigned hair. Thankfully not badly at all it has happened, he might have been a tragedia, then I raise my shoulders to leave them to fall down and then to begin to laugh for the first time.

Texto agregado el 05-05-2011, y leído por 94 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
05-05-2011 Esteeeee, a qué se debe esta serie de textos en inglés? No les veo mucha gracia salvo la práctica de idiomas. Egon
05-05-2011 Think could review your verbs conjugation... achachila
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