Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Porcelain and glass.


Come this fifty-year-old woman who is in the photo, it is a device indeed, very familiar for the beasts his movements of beast. A feminine human being who behaves as an angry lion, this and more comparisons, which it should travel on the ice, and who moves his body with the precision of a beast, which in addition has useless feelings.
But the beast in question, many friends and I have none, a boyfriend finds in the day, and I love zero, I am an old embittered confirmed bachelor. But in addition it brings bad luck, can manage to make fall the moon in spite of only thinking about her.
But wait please, I have touches of bells in the door, let's say, the stamp sounds furiously, thunders and vibrates. I say this poem, but shouting:
Already it goes, already it goes, shaggy beast, more slow (But always resembling other one).
But when I open the door, she is an employee of the municipality, nice miss who has a beautiful smile.
It notifies the debt notice so waited by my pockets. But I examine his eyes, and then I say, always slightly upset. Do you want to do the love with me, who demands similar sum?
And she did not say anything, only it mentions the amount of the debt, the total number that fits me.
I say to myself, looking at his gesture in the silence, looking at his face, with girl is I marry, feel that I am falling in love and what it is better she corresponds to me.

Texto agregado el 05-05-2011, y leído por 104 visitantes. (1 voto)

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