Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I think that all the ideología, ideas put in the action by the set, should put on a ceiling, have the ideal common one or not very distantly.
We cannot know up to where it will take the knowledge to us, but insurance has to be an instance where we will not stop being a few human beings. In a point we all look alike, but naturally the decrees are formed, so much, that that one that is alone will be the weakest.
The common limit has to be something surely before imagined. But that us will be travelling in two leg and having a good time with the food and the culture, the love, and the bony one.

Texto agregado el 06-05-2011, y leído por 156 visitantes. (0 votos)

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06-05-2011 Lo siento, amigo, mi traductor no tiene pila. azucenami
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