Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / The soldier.


Yesterday I marry my mother for sixth time, personally I have attended three of his weddings.
In a moment the boyfriend struck his nose against the great cake of cream.
I have three daughters who took the tail of the garment when we enter to the church.
Later in the holiday practically I played the role of a young boy, because I started by taking a drink and of there in any more I could not escape of this hermit's task.
We are eleven brothers, though of different parents, they imagine the quantity of relatives that we join to celebrate for our mother, to whom without you doubt all adore for being the divine one.
The husband is a man who is not announced easily, but already they speak of adopting a child and with it to come to the dozen, for being an entire number, affirm.
Estoy imaginando que apoyo mi lengua gigante sobre las aspas del molino en movimiento.
Una abeja revolotea produciendo gran pánico, por mi parte tengo miedo que se arme una estampida y que haya muchos aplastados, el partido está por comenzar, la pelota está en el centro y sale mi equipo.

Texto agregado el 07-05-2011, y leído por 188 visitantes. (0 votos)

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