Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Hello good days since you cover, sincerely not much that to say for the present, between in this line since obvious I search a stable pair. But I am depressed, as a navigator who hoists the candle and done to sleeping.
Yesterday we chat rather with a girl but it turns out that it lives very far, they separate theirs enormous distances. In the bottom I am something comfortable, something like that there wanted to know a person who lives in the zone, but if one was giving a situation of this sure type I hide under the bed.
Maybe be that in the bottom I want to be alone. But it seems to my me that the man has to be in pair, the woman also, so to be alone is anything normal, wants to say that you have some problem.
I what happens that I check my life and observe that I am alone, but because I wanted it this way, it is not that anybody has submitted me and for consequence I turned into the solitary one, I am a person who shuts in herself in if same, to be able to achieve an intention, that of being and simultaneously perceive the reality of personalized form.
In this opportunity I am trying to clarify, the great contradiction that exists, to on the one hand stable pair search and for other one being justifying my loneliness and the lack of interest to take part in the search since it had to.
But probably bells sound and my life is lit by that person who fills my destination of pleasure. And I could dance, sing with her, esculpir his body in clay, to carve his head in wood, to write poetry and music, maybe to do a movie of inspired love inspired by our present.

Texto agregado el 08-05-2011, y leído por 119 visitantes. (0 votos)

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