Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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The butterflies are falling down as rain of stones before the soil fulfilled with radioactivity. I am covering a journalistic note, to my side it is It was Illuminating, that invites me with a cigarette.
After convincing her that better desists from smoking, we continue walking along a swampy soil, where the boots sink up to covering the sole.
Until suddenly we see to go out a man deformed to the hundred per cent, who wants that we move away, in spite of the great change of physiognomy does everything possible humanamente for expressing supporting a prudent distance, it is evident that it can manage to infect us slightly really lethal, It was Seeming conscious of the serious situation it sticks the about-face and decides to return.
In the distance we see a patrol of the police calling our attention to find out that we are in zone contaminated. Saving comments we decide to move away from this monstrous man in direction of the armed patrol.
Already being to except, the gendarmes made clear to us that this man, from now sacred hero of the mother land, was put by the government, but under the laws of his own assent in full exercise of the freedom, to know that so much I am in danger the population runs being in permanent contact with this radioactive soil.
And they say to us, with broken voice, that scarcely you enter contact at once you begin with the corporal mutation. And alarmed they ask us since it is that we come even there. To what to duo we answered with the truth and it is that we were in motorcycle.
It has passed already the first hour since we go out and at all, thankfully they have us isolated, the poor person Shiny is for others upset, with clear what I agree squarely, but nevertheless in addition it is worried by the loneliness of this poor man, probably, lacking in the knowledge that it indicates that it will be venerated by the whole eternity.
The following day we dawned with the bad news of which we are infected, now our bodies, they are full of skin with contextura of scales, and the face that of a few extraterrestrial beings.
Finally we are living through the united three, very happy and removed of the world.

Texto agregado el 09-05-2011, y leído por 200 visitantes. (0 votos)

Lectores Opinan
09-05-2011 Ja, ja. Lamento tanto, mi traductor aun esta sin pilas, pero no importa, si me mandas unos pesos solucionamos al toque, y te comento lo que subas, entonces no es cuestión de castellano, sino de billetes. azucenami
09-05-2011 Rocayosa...es facil..escribe..luego usa el traductor y los subes en español... Is easy write and afer use the traductor Inglish Spanish...Welcome trotskki
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