Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Es un método real.


I want that you understand that I am a tireless worker, in the sense of getting into the activity to write my thoughts, but since also the necessary tool exists. In this opportunity I refer to the computation, and the networks, that is to say, I can realize the exploit showing that if there exists another dimension, which is the art, but that simultaneously monopolist is inside a space, added that the computation allows you to be a perfectionist with facility if you wish it. I shelter in the excuse of the art since I feel that it is really a language that to speak, but the divine computation is a protagonist who allows to make the only poetry tangible.
For fortune the art comes out of the artist and even it it stops of side, then to join squarely to the company.

Texto agregado el 10-05-2011, y leído por 105 visitantes. (0 votos)

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10-05-2011 Tiene la oportunidad de demostrar que es incansable en método de escribir, usando la herramienta que se llama traductor. azucenami
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