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This one is a method that allows to harvest big quantities, but clear, certainly, the level is not the same thing that slightly elaborated. The fundamental part consists of extracting of in a specific energy, and as to the plow horses lash in the anca.
THE art is though we do not manage to make appear. Or, this space drawn beyond the subjective thing is first, but we above want to make it visible, and there there is born the discipline to which the artist must subject.
I you slice the eyes, go and pay to you in the bank a receipt, appear in you in the night of weddings and fright to you unite, in addition I am the one that puts the fishhook and then it you starts the guts for simple laziness of having to occur.

Internet more poetry.

Texto agregado el 10-05-2011, y leído por 188 visitantes. (0 votos)

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