Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / An avalanche of words.
Probably the art is a representation of the sky or the formula that allows us to understand this truth. But better quedémonos here with the art since to the sky one accedes after dying.
The sky, the clouds, the moon and the planets, they are bigger than never why will it be?
For example, my wife who is of delicate and small hands, now I see with total pathos that has a few large hands that look like gauntlets.
Inclusive the sounds I get bigger, in spite of saying that I listen to the clock to long distance.
I am trying to see if it emerges of my head some great thought.
There was a moment where the stamp sounded and I stuck a shout of hysterics since to the instant I supposed that it was a question of the bell of my school it finds when I was a young woman.
Then I close the eyes bewildered in this night and when I open them, since come from a very long trip, or simply of another life, observe that this effect of seeing everything bigger, moves to everything the objects that I have face.
An avalanche of words. |
Texto agregado el 11-05-2011, y leído por 112
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