Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Sole of shoes.


Here I am wrapped in a hank of dark colors, finally thousands of motives were forging a destination fulfilled with work that I now in an act of madness come to defy the laws of the own physics, guided by a strong impulse demencial, in an act of absolute madness, I have just destroyed nothing less than all the processes of the directory, breaking the material of the own company in small square pedacitos, it is an important and valuable work that it should present tomorrow, obvious that it is required from me the responsibility and the sense of the duty, to which always I have answered with supreme efficiency.
But the thing does not end and I start feeling a strong oppression in the head, more precisely in the brain, an agony that goes in increase, when suddenly I see a small lizard goes out of the ear, who suddenly increases his size up to reaching the measures of a prehistoric animal, which separates free fire for the mouth.
Certainly that within a few minutes I have to the police and to the firemen in the door fighting against the dragoon.
And though one did not see bad, since it is it was rather tame, docile and other virtues, they have had to sacrifice it with fire of artillery.
I there has mute all that, I do not go to walk telling the truth of the happened, that a small lizard went out of my head and all that armed itself.
Finally. I am grateful that thankfully it is not necessary to be sorry victims.
And I request God who please is not going to go out another reptile.

Sole of shoes.

Texto agregado el 11-05-2011, y leído por 100 visitantes. (0 votos)

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