Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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Of our alone love ashes stay, slowly we were drying off as leaves in the autumn, in consequence now it becomes useless to try to refloat the sunked ship.
But do you know? We will continue being friends, friends indeed, friends forever, because in spite of the strong character that we have both, always we loved ourselves and respect ourselves indeed.
Nevertheless, clear recollection since the plates demolished that time that is late to the dawn impregnated with smell of sweet perfume, which that one battles where inclusive there was violence of kind, where then we end in the bed beating new record of resistance, and now that we us are for getting divorced I tell you that I was in a discotheque with another very nice woman ten younger than years you.
I them go of mandarin but actually I am alone in this area, but gun-sight that I am going to be affecting the one that is my wife, if later she takes revenge and does the same thing or even worse.
I have spied on her doing oaths to God assuring that I will be going to be squashed which mosquito if I dare to defy it.
I perceive that one has installed in me an interior very negative speech, actually I am afraid that is becoming intimate with other one, more when he touches it with me, she is very dirty and at the time transmit me gérmenes different, foreign to our relation, and this way I am stopping being who I am to resign my mind and to think as other one.
Do they know? Here I have a black cap, that I go away to placing to cover from top to bottom and to look like a raven in the night, want to project shades that are seen which vampires, probably it uses as bait and could fish some goblin, forgetting everything ugly, spreading my ire on the park, and request to the sky that all that that oppresses my soul that please goes out up to reaching the astral space. And to get lost.

Texto agregado el 14-05-2011, y leído por 116 visitantes. (0 votos)

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