Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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My wife is a robust woman, not precisely, rather beefy fat woman, because it has the muscles that look like breasts of chicken. Excuse but of there my suspicion towards you.
In addition I they warn that others say of me, which I am a very perceptive person, that I realize everything.
It turn out to be that it does awhile we were coming the two walking along the fair of the nations, and I as an idiot, I amused myself with a ballerina who in this moment was in the scene, precisely dancing Arabic dance, whereas my wife continued walking in search of a position of show restraint of his predilection, since about it this fair treats itself, of gastronomy Truth? Then I ask will not you have eaten up to my wife, truth? Will not they have put it to the sale cold cut to do it between sandwiches?
But mistake goes mine, which turns out to be that my lady an hour and missing person's average, does not go that the showiest thing appears, and incredible it me announces that he has fallen in love with a man who attends to a position where they sell wines of the province of Mendoza, and that after that it grants the divorce to him they will be going to marry, to immediately get about itself to change.

Texto agregado el 15-05-2011, y leído por 114 visitantes. (0 votos)

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