Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / rocayosa / Patience.


I feel that I take a ruleta in my way of being where I am divided in different sections, probably for my way of being so versatile, or simply so the variation must exist, then whenever I begin something it is a mystery what will be going to go out of in, but as he was saying before they are so many quantity of precise numbers, cabins where it is possible to stop the pelotita, which would be my destination to every moment turned into a living, but alone some being of them it never has to occupy my capacity of to one for time, but another personality anyone out of her mentioned.
As for the duration of the different contents, treatment of which they mature more or less the same thing, a certain quantity of time, and then to happen to which follows, that certainly I ignore which will be but as soon as it puts the head out already I can identify it and to devote myself to him.
I do not refer to the personality in the sense of my own characteristics but rather who guards of wax ignited inside a chandelier.

Texto agregado el 18-05-2011, y leído por 100 visitantes. (1 voto)

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