Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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I am going to convince you that I am the one who is searching, the indicated one to recover the work of making her happy. Now I have the hands tied to the keyboard trying to write a sentimental curriculum, but within it traverses a torrent of safe sensations. I am mixing feeling with the purest reason, not wanting to rest ever.
Many years of loneliness, nevertheless, two children of a beautiful carelessness of great size, infinity of disappointments in love that now are only corns that I try to forget, nevertheless, with my voice, a caress to the wind I give without naturalness being grateful for the good thing that the life offers us, since serene I go for the clouds floating thanks to him.
Already it is time to say words that should emerge of the soul as to be with you.
In the room it is entering the thick night communion with the lucid window that is opened by the wind.

Texto agregado el 25-05-2011, y leído por 176 visitantes. (1 voto)

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