Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

Inicio / Cuenteros Locales / Juan3426 / Sometimes...


Sometimes I feel like the fog.
There, but absent and transparent.
Sometimes I feel like the wind.
There , but just for a second before I slip away.
Sometimes I fell like a stick of wood.
There, but going to break so soon.
Sometimes I feel like bambu.
there, looking so firm outside but empty inside.

Texto agregado el 26-08-2006, y leído por 124 visitantes. (2 votos)

Lectores Opinan
17-09-2006 Well, your writing is nice with elements there..wind, fog I like this words "I feel like bambu. there, looking so firm outside but empty inside"...that is as some people are...I find them everyday, not all of them, but most of them...all my stars for You. gfdsa
04-09-2006 Some time I read something beatiful like this, but in english doctora
26-08-2006 You look alike when you are quite*5 terref
26-08-2006 Sometimes I feel like the fog. There, but absent and transparent. Sometimes I feel like the wind. There , but just for a second before I slip away. Sometimes I fell like a stcik of wood. There, but going to break so soon. Sometimes I feel like bambu. thre, looking so firm outside but empty inside*5 terref
26-08-2006 if iu ar a bambu a panda can it iu, bi kerful nenedelpitulin
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