Noticias Foro Mesa Azul

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You're just a boy
Not even a man
but I love you
just the way you are

Why did you kill me?
I gave you my heart
now i'm bleeding for you
You are beautiful but cruel
you played with me
but I don't care

I cry for you
I changed for you
I came back for you
'cause I love you
All I want is you

Now you know
Who I really am
I'm still waiting for youand I will wait for you
no matter the time
my hope keeps me alive
to have you one more time.

Texto agregado el 14-02-2007, y leído por 88 visitantes. (1 voto)

Lectores Opinan
03-03-2007 now, people say than my poems are depresing, but i think i found my poet twin soul, i guess, and i hope... flinstoneman
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